Individual Therapy
Individual Therapy
Individual therapy will allow you to focus attention on your important issues and create an individualized plan to help you move forward in your life. In individual therapy we will explore your thoughts and feelings and formulate an integrated approach to help you meet your goals.
Some of the Techniques that I use in Therapy
- Talk Therapy
Talking about your concerns with another person who is nonjudgmental, safe, and there to be your guide and advocate can be tremendously healing. There is great value in telling our stories, identifying goals, and moving towards solutions.
- Cognitive Therapy
The way we think affects the way we feel. Often we have mental habits that are unrealistic and do not serve us well. Cognitive therapy helps us examine our thoughts and their impact on our feelings. It helps us transform negativity and to become happier and more effective.
- Breathing and Relaxation Skills
When our minds are agitated our bodies respond by becoming tense. This often increases anxiety and can be manifest by difficulty sleeping or making decisions. Some people develop physical stress symptoms such as headaches, stomachaches, and muscle pain. When we learn breathing and relaxation skills, we can calm both the mind and the body.
- Meditation and Mindfulness
The goals of meditation are to quiet the mind and to find the deeper, wiser self within. Meditation practice can lead us to knowledge of our deepest purpose and an experience of profound peace. I can teach you various meditation techniques.